Publish the Power Cuts!
Posted On : March, 27, 2013 | By សំឡេងទីក្រុង
There’s been lots of talk over the past couple days about the power cuts that keep plaguing Phnom Penh. Urban Voice even got a mention in a recent article in the Phnom Penh Post! Many of you have also sent us reports, for which many thanks; we’re slowly starting to see a pattern, but please keep the reports coming in! (now also via SMS – 097 264 0056)
While Urban Voice is highlighting power cuts as a problem, we do at the same time recognise that Cambodia is still developing and there currently simply is not power for everyone. More power isn’t the point of the campaign. What we are calling for is for Electricité du Cambodge (EDC) to publish a schedule of power cuts: when, where, and for how long. This is done in developing country cities across the globe and significantly helps to alleviate the economic costs of not knowing when and for how long you will be hot by a power cut.
In the Phnom Penh Post, and EDC official claims that publishing a plan is impossible due to “technicalities regarding the delivery of electricity”. We don’t buy it. Here’s our message to the EDC: Publish the Power Cuts, or give us a better explanation for why disclosing a schedule is supposedly “impossible.”